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Widely scattered showers or a thunderstorm this evening. Then partly cloudy. Low near 65F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 30%..
Widely scattered showers or a thunderstorm this evening. Then partly cloudy. Low near 65F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 30%.
Cumberland Township Police Officer Daniel Barbagello checks out the locking mechanism on a trailer during the investigation of tool thefts from a construction site overnight Wednesday into Thursday. (Photo Courtesy Cumberland Township Police Department)
Cumberland Township Police Officer Daniel Barbagello checks out the locking mechanism on a trailer during the investigation of tool thefts from a construction site overnight Wednesday into Thursday. (Photo Courtesy Cumberland Township Police Department)
Some sticky-fingered person purloined numerous expensive tools from several construction sites overnight Wednesday, according to Cumberland Township Police Department.
At least four contractors working at construction sites in Cumberland fell prey to the thieves between Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, police said.
Police are hopeful someone saw something that will aid them in nabbing the ne’er-do-wells who made off with the “high dollar value” tools.
The thefts were initially discovered when workers arrived Thursday morning at the various development locations, ready to put in another day under the hot summer sun only to find the tools of their trades had been swiped.
Cumberland Police were dispatched at 7:19 a.m. Thursday to the 100 block of Fairplay Road to the Cumberland Village home construction site.
Employees told police sometime between about 5 p.m. Wednesday and 7 a.m. Thursday, “a box truck was entered and various construction tools were stolen,” police said.
Before police were even finished gathering details of this tool theft, they were contacted by an employee of a different contracting company working at the site who said he “discovered damage and items missing from a box trailer,” police said.
“Police determined the locking mechanism of the trailer had been cut and various construction tools were missing,” police said.
With these heists still in the early stages of investigation, police said they were called to the Gettysburg Overlook construction site near the intersection of Herrs Ridge Road and Battalion Lane for yet another theft.
“Employees reported a metal storage container had been entered and various construction tools were stolen,” police said.
The lock on the storage unit had been cut, said police.
It wasn’t long before police were contacted by an employee of a construction company working on Penstock Lane where another metal storage container “was entered and various construction tools were stolen,” police said.
“As with previous thefts, police observed locks were cut on the storage container,” said police.
Upon further investigation, police said they “also determined the locks had been cut on a storage trailer parked in the area,” although it did not appear anything was missing from that trailer.
Numerous tools worth a lot of money were stolen from the various construction sites, Cumberland Township Police said.
“Examples of missing items are generators, air compressors, demolition saws, gas powered compactors, various corded and cordless hand tools,” said police.
Police said they canvassed the neighborhoods in search of eyewitnesses and video surveillance.
Police are asking anyone who lives in the areas surrounding the construction sites check their home surveillance systems for any suspicious activity during the time period of the thefts, which is estimated between 5 p.m. Wednesday and 7 a.m. Thursday.
Anyone with information regarding the incidents can contact Cumberland Township Police Department at 717-334-8101, or by contacting Adams County Crime Stoppers. Callers may remain anonymous, police said.
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